澳门太阳集团城(古天乐代言)有限公司-App Store

Founded in 1992, Shiyang Agricultural Holding Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as Shiyang Group) is a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. After 28 years of development, Shiyang Group has always been adhering to the great cause of “providing green products to create a better life”. Based on modern agriculture and food, the Group is committed to the whole industry chain model of the integration of development of the first, second and third industries. The business involves feed, aquaculture, broiler industry chain operation and edible oil processing.

The group has a total of 72 subsidiaries (sub-) companies with operations in Shaanxi, Gansu, Jin, Sichuan, Henan and other regions. It has 3,700 employees and achieved sales revenue of 8.1 billion yuan in 2018, ranking 40th among the top 100 enterprises in Shaanxi. Top 500 agricultural industrialization leading enterprises.

The Group has won the honorary titles of “National Key Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization”, “Top 50 Chinese Edible Oil Processing Enterprises”, “Top 30 Feed Enterprises in China”, “Contract-honoring and Credit-Reliable” Enterprises, and Post-Doctoral Innovation Bases. It was rated as “excellent private enterprise” by the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the...

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